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How can hormone replacement help me?

The dozen or so major human hormones are essential for life and vitality. For men, Testosterone can reinstate energy levels, restore focus, clarity and motivation, weight loss can resume, effectiveness and muscle mass rebuilt. It can also rejuvenate interest and function in sex. The beneficial effects of restored Testosterone on metabolism, cholesterol, bone, heart and reduced body fat are staggering.

In women, we replace Estrogen and Testosterone and at times Progesterone. Testosterone is essential in women to restore increased sexual desire, energy and support weight loss and decreased body fat. Bio identical Estrogen has a major impact on hot flashes and night sweats, as well as insomnia and memory. The effects on bone, weight, cholesterol, skin and heart cannot be overemphasized.

All of these factors just touch on the additional benefits and safety of properly dosed Bio Identical Hormone treatment with pellets. If you ’re not sure if Bio Identical hormone replacement therapy is right for you, contact Contemporary Health Center today. With a free consultation and a simple blood test, we can help you determine if this treatment is right for you.