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At Contemporary Health Center, our mission is to help you look and feel your best! With that mission ever in our minds, we’re sharing an article with you this week written by one of our friends at Medi-Weightloss ClinicsÂź. Read on for information about what metabolism means and how it affects your daily life!

Metabolism 101

April 30, 2014 by Jennifer Christman, RD, LDN

There are articles upon articles on how to trick your metabolism into working faster. How Can I Speed Up My Metabolism? Nine EASY Ways to Rev It Up!Seldom do they define what the metabolism process actually is and how it works. Here I will break it down for you to explain what your metabolism really is and what affects it.

So what is it, really?
Your metabolism is a system of chemical reactions that take place in the body’s cells. Hormones and enzymes work together to convert food into fuel, in order to power everything we do from thinking to moving.

The basal metabolic rate (BMR) measures the rate at which a person’s body “burns” energy while at rest. So someone with a low BMR, burns fewer calories while resting or sleeping, while someone with a high BMR burns more in the same conditions.

What does it affect?
The metabolism process affects how your body burns that fuel. It influences the rate at which you burn calories, thus determining how quickly you gain and lose weight. Calories are a unit of energy that you get from food. If the amount of calories you consume is greater than the amount you burn off, your body stores it as fat.

What affects your metabolism?
Your metabolic rate depends on a variety of factors. To a certain extent, personal BMR is genetic, inherited by parents. However, BMR can be influenced in certain ways. Both exercise and body composition can affect your metabolism.

What increases your metabolism?
The best way to increase your metabolism is to increase the amount of energy your body needs. Regular exercise will not only burn calories and energy from the activity itself, but it also keeps you fit by boosting how much energy your body needs even at rest. A combination of cardio and strength training has been shown to increase energy usage and raise the BMR, sometimes up to 24 hours after a workout.

What decreases your metabolism?
There are two main reasons for a decrease in resting metabolism that you should understand. The first is that a smaller body requires fewer calories to maintain the same physiological functions. The second reason is that during weight loss, the body may try to conserve energy in response to a calorie restricted diet. Your metabolism slows down because it doesn’t need to burn as much energy as before.

**Note: For more information on ways you can help keep your metabolism in check or to make an appointment with Doctor Bloy, call our offices at (239) 333-3345.
