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Totally Losing It…Together!

If you and your sweetie-pie are both looking to shed some pounds and move toward a more healthy lifestyle, is it better to go it alone or to join forces in the quest for a better life? While there are certainly some challenges in tackling weight loss together, the benefits are far greater. Here are some keys to totally losing it…together!

1. Decide Why
After you’ve motivated yourselves to get started, you may notice a little decrease in your desire to press forward. This isn’t the time to cut back, but rather to push forward with even more dedication. Decide at the onset why you want to make the change toward a more healthy life. Have an honest conversation about your motivations and your goals – both right away and in the future. Having (and reviewing) these goals will prove to be great motivation as you continue to move toward a healthier lifestyle.

2. Mars and Venus
One of the biggest hurdles in a tandem weight loss journey is the results at the scale. Most experts agree that men will lose weight a bit more efficiently than women. This difference is due, in part, to the fact that men typically have a higher concentration of water in their bodies. These “water pounds” are the first to go! Ladies, don’t get discouraged if your beau is losing weight more quickly than you. Think long-term!

3. Keep Your Roles Equal
Often times, one partner will take the role of “Food Police,” while the other adopts the part of the “Exercise Monitor.” Don’t let yourselves fall into the trap of false competition. Remember that you’re not in a race. Accountability is necessary for success but don’t let the process put any strain on the bond you share with your partner. Make it a point to share the responsibility of encouragement and inspiration. Plan meals together, construct your exercise routine together, and never let any lapses become and excuse to fall off the wagon.

4. Be Supportive
This is a bit of a two-edged sword, as being supportive of your partner also involves a good bit of transparency and honesty. Do your part in being upfront about your struggles. If you’re prone to bouts of binge-eating while you’re bored, it’s important your partner is aware. If there are struggles you face when you’re away from each other, be honest about them. After your share your concerns, it will become easier for your partner to be able to support you in the right way.

5. Spur It On
Mutual accountability is about more than just support. Motivation and determination are equally important. You should be determined not only to see your own goals to fruition, but also the goals of your sweetheart! Motivate each other with notes, praise, and affection. Likewise, never punish or belittle your loved one because of a shortcoming. Commit yourselves to each other and to living a longer, happier, and more productive life together!